Wednesday, 26 February 2014

1000 Flying hours:)

So there it is 1000 flying hours in the logbook.

It has been an interesting journey up to this most enjoyable milestone in a pilots career. Over the last few years i have been broken down but flying has always built me right back up has taken everything from me and then like a loving mother given it all back again with has almost taken my life but given me everything i could ever ask to experience and like the good lord flying just keep's on giving in ways i could only dream of.

I feel a sense of calm over my flying now,a heightened understanding of control over the aircraft and more importantly a control over the mental part of aviating. I would never claim to be a better pilot but i am most definitely a safer one. The mistakes i have made and the silly things i have done send a shiver down my spine, but none the less i am grateful because no matter which way you look at it statistically or factual,flying is dangerous. Add in horrendous weather,workplace pressure and in-experience and the risk level triples. But here i am alive and smiling......would i ever change any of those experiences or challenges? No....because it made me the man i am today and the pilot i am today.

Pilots these days truely do take what they do for granted. To look out the window and down onto the boring rat-race and mundane day to day living of normal people always brings a little smirk to my face. But it also gives me a brief moment to thank the lord for everything i have and everything i have been given. I cannot complain. Even though so many of my colleagues do. We laugh atop a silver lined cloud, not risk nor fear will ever stop me from laughing out aloud.

So where do i want to go from here and what do i want out of my life? To be honest i have no clue but aslong as i am flying i am happy and thats all that matters.

So keep watching this space its going to be an awesome ride.....cheers for now.